Hands on Therapy for Pain Relief and Relaxation in Manchester New Hampshire
Every massage session begins by taking a few minutes to sit and discuss what your goals are for your appointment. Whether you are looking for relief from muscular tension, an injury you are recovering from, or you are simply looking forward to relaxing and de-stressing, every session is tailored to your individual needs.
Our signature treatment and the foundation of all other treatments, Integrative Massage uses a firm but gentle pressure massage that addresses overall muscular tension. Various techniques are seamlessly woven into gentle flowing strokes, creating space for complete relaxation while also addressing a wide variety of concerns, from everyday aches and pains to repetitive strain/overuse injuries and help to manage chronic pain.
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This light to medium pressure massage consists of gentle flowing strokes that are composed in a way that creates a sense of deep relaxation and well-being. Relaxation Massage is a popular choice for individuals that are new to experiencing massage, as well as a favorite among our regular clients.
A special massage for moms-to-be. This gentle and relaxing treatment focuses on common areas of discomfort for pregnant and nursing women. We also use specially designed pillows and supports to ensure a comfortable and relaxing massage.
Longer sessions (75 minutes and up) allow for more attention to specific areas to be addressed during relaxation or deep tissue sessions, while shorter session (30-60 minutes) allow for focused therapeutic sessions.
Head and neck and pain often manifest as tension headaches, TMJ, neck and shoulder pain. If you are looking for relief from any of the variety of ways that a tight neck can manifest itself, then this is a perfect session for you. Your massage will consist of a tension relieving upper body massage and gentle stretching that will reduce the overall stress in your head, neck, and shoulders.
Shoulder, arm or hand pain is a common reason for people seeking relief with massage therapy. Massage can reduce muscular tension in your upper body with focused treatment. Massage is effective in treating repetitive strain syndromes such as thoracic outlet syndrome, rotator cuff strains and sprains, golfer’s or tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, and tension in the hands and wrist.
Massage therapy can provide substantial healing and pain relief for people suffering from low back pain caused by muscle tension and strain. Your therapist will focus on areas of tension found in your legs, hips, and back.
Whether you are looking for relief from plantar fasciitis, shin splints or pain in your knees, or you simply want to treat your feet to some extra TLC during your next relaxation massage, this focused treatment on your lower legs is for you.
Please note that not all types of massage therapy are appropriate for all individuals. Your Massage Therapist reserves the right to refuse treatment for any reason.
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908 Hanover Street #3. Manchester NH 03104